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Gold Rush Pizza



Pizza Dough: – 510 grams cold water, divided – 25 grams sourdough starter – 756 grams “00” pizza flour, divided – 15 grams sea salt Pizza and Garnishes: – 30 grams Real California Fior di Latte cheese – 25 grams Real California Monterey Jack cheese, shredded – 20 grams Real California Provolone cheese, shredded – 20 grams Real California Red Hawk cheese, plus more as needed, shredded – 20 grams Real California Wagon Wheel cheese, shredded – 3 heirloom fingerling potatoes, one each purple, pink, and yellow – 1 300-gram prepared pizza dough – 1 gram San Francisco Salt Co. Alderwood Smoked Sea Salt – 10-15 grams lightly rendered, minced pancetta (optional) – 2 tablespoon Real California heavy cream, divided – Chopped fresh parsley, as needed – Seka Hills olive oil, as needed :Fior di Latte, Red Hawk, Wagon Wheel, Monterey Jack, Provolone
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To prepare Pizza Dough, combine 500 grams water and starter in bowl of a spiral or stand mixer and mix until leaven dissolves, about 2 minutes. Add half of flour and mix 2 minutes. Add remaining flour and mix 4 minutes. Let rest 30 minutes, then add salt and remaining 10 grams water and mix until dough no longer sticks to bowl, 4 to 6 minutes. Place dough in sealed container and refrigerate 24 hours. Remove from refrigerator and let rest 15 minutes. Divide dough into 4, 300-gram portions. One portion at a time, fold in half lengthwise, rotate 90 degrees, halve again, rotate again, and fold a third time. Pinch seams together and place ball in dough tray seam side down. Let dough balls rest 1 hour, then refrigerate 48 hours. Remove from refrigerator at least 2 hours before use.

To make Pizza and Garnishes, Tear Fior di Latte into marble-sized pieces and set aside. Shred remaining cheeses, saving a piece of Red Hawk for garnish. Combine shredded cheeses with fior di latte. Use mandolin to very thinly slice potatoes into bowl of cold water and set aside 30 minutes. They should be thin enough to see through. Drain and recover with cold water. Preheat oven [ideally, use a wood-fired pizza oven with a floor temp that’s been at 750°F for at least an hour] or 550°F inside oven. Dust dough and pizza peel lightly with flour. Being careful not to punch air out, use the flat parts of your fingertips to pat dough straight down, working from middle out to within 1 inch of edges. Use backs of hands to stretch straight across to 10 inches, rotate 90 degrees, and pull straight across again. Place dough on pizza peel and sprinkle edge with smoked salt. Top with cheese blend, potatoes (drained), pancetta and 1 tablespoon cream. Bake pizza. When it’s time to turn [between halfway and 3/4 way through the bake – crust should be set and you will start seeing color develop], add remaining 1 tablespoon cream and finish baking. Remove pizza from oven. Lightly brush olive oil on the crust, top with parsley and more grated Red Hawk cheese.

Recipe courtesy of Chef David Jacobson, Forge Pizza Fire Truck and Fourth Bore Taproom & Grill, Concord, Calif. – RCPC The Real Californian Category and Grand Prize Winner

Por Orden:

Dough recipe makes four balls, toppings for 1 pizza
