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Carlota de Limon



– 18 ounces Real California sweetened condensed milk – Zest of 3 limes, plus 2/3 cup fresh lime juice, plus more zest for topping – 3 tablespoons espresso – 1/2 cup Real California heavy cream – 6 tablespoons Real California Requeson cheese – 3 1/2 tablespoons Real California cream cheese – 1 teaspoon vanilla paste – 20 Maria cookies, plus 4 crumbled for topping : Hispanic Cheese, Dessert, Hispanic Dessert, Cream Cheese, Requeson, Citrus, Hispanic Dairy
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Combine condensed milk, lime juice and zest, and espresso. Refrigerate overnight, then transfer to a piping bag. In a blender, combine cream, cheeses, and vanilla. Chill in a metal bowl, then transfer to a piping bag.

For each serving, pipe condensed milk mixture into a container. Top with cookie, piped cheese mixture, and another cookie. Repeat process to depth of container. Garnish with additional lime zest and crumbled cookies.

Per order/serving size:

1/3 cup condensed milk mixture, 3 1/2 tablespoons cheese mixture, 5 cookies, 1/4 crumbled cookies

Recipe courtesy of Chef Manny Barella, Bellota, Denver, Colo. –Cal Mex Invitational Dessert Category

Por Orden:

4 portions
